Aeris is also in the cloud! You can store the information of our transmitters in our cloud and track history and data, in real time, on your cell phone or desktop.
Our cloud is intelligent, allowing the monitoring of consumption forecasts, failures and indications of air quality, maintenance and alarms, as well as tips to improve the comfort and performance of your company's professionals.
Much is said about the need to update, but Aeris in 2019 took this concept to the extreme! And we are only talking about our line of transmitters. The year is not over yet, but Aeris is proud of what has been done so far, and we would like to share a little of this evolution. See in Figure 1 the models of transmitters that we went through this year, and below a summary of the extra features in each model. Let's go through them in more detail.
Figure 1 - Three versions of Aeris transmitters in 2019.

Pressure Sensor;
Low Pressure Sensor;
Humidity Sensor;
Output 0-10V;
SPAN adjustment;
CO sensor;
CO2 sensor;
NTC Temperature Sensor;
Relay output;
4-20mA output selectable;
2-wire output for humidity;
Duct versions;
DIP Switch 3 keys;
Zero adjustment;
Remote indicator up to 4 variables;
Extra Analog Output (2 total);
RTC + Battery;
Memory for up to 15 days of data;
Wifi Certified by Anatel;
Bluetooth certified by Anatel;
Aeris started in January selling the first version (V1) of the transmitters, which consisted of only one electronic project with welding options for Pressure Sensor (Line R1), Low Pressure Sensor (Line R2) or Humidity Sensor (Line A0 ). This version only had a 0-10V voltage output and a fine SPAN setting for the analog output. She fulfilled her duty and brought an essential market FeedBack to direct the development of its successor.
At the end of February, the production of a large batch of the second version of Aeris transmitters was completed. Some market needs have been implemented such as 4-20mA current output, 2-wire current loop, relay output, zero adjustment and display. We also incorporate more sensors, including CO sensor, CO2 sensor and NTC. At the same time a batch of remote indicator was produced, having 2 voltage inputs, 1 current input and internal NTC, being able to indicate up to 4 different quantities on its screen. In total, between the base plates and modules, there were 5 different electronic projects to meet all these characteristics.
Have I already mentioned that in the Display project we include RGB LEDs? Take a look at a functioning CO2 transmitter (we blow directly into the air inlet of the transmitter to show the variation in CO2 concentration).
It was already good, right? But we don't stop there. Now, still in November 2019, we are testing a new line of transmitters, which should replace the previous one soon. Version three has 2 analog outputs, both selectable in current or voltage. It is also possible to have 4-20mA humidity and temperature output with just three wires (24 Vdc + 2 current outputs). In this version, we can include more sensors in the electronics at the same time, and may have an indicator, for example, Temperature + Humidity + CO2.
The electronics lost the SPAN and ZERO adjustment, simply because it will no longer be needed. All calibration will be via serial, with a low cost "calibration plate". It will make it easier for us in the factory calibration and for you in the in situ calibration. Just plug in, wait for the LED to light up and go!
But the great novelty of this new version is in the various communication possibilities of the product. A serial output for BacNET and Modbus was implemented, allowing several measurement quantities to be sent to the controller via serial, reducing requirements of the control board and without loss in transmission.

In addition to the serial outputs, the new projects also have Wifi and Bluetooth modules already certified by Anatel, reducing the cost of cabling and facilitating installation. Bluetooth transmitters will be able to communicate in mesh, thus creating their own network infrastructure with a single Bluetooth converter for local network, which may be TCP / IP, BacNET or Modbus.

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